Woman sitting at a desk smiling at her laptop and holding a mug

I recently read Qualtric’s Employee Experience Trends report, examining some of the defining elements that promote retention and encourage staff to feel connected to their organizations. One of the four driving factors that they identified this year was the push to reclaim work-life balance. While this trend is not exactly new, the report released some…

Man leading a group of people

2023 is shaping up to be a dynamic year for Learning & Development (L&D) professionals! As organizations strive to engage and retain top talent, traverse economic uncertainty and address evolving employee expectations, L&D teams will play an increasingly vital role in helping businesses and their staffs thrive. To optimize programming this year, consider how these…

Person writing in journal

With all the recent discussion around quiet quitting, I wouldn’t be surprised if many individuals are putting more thought into the ways that they can enhance the integration of their work and lives. There are many factors that may tip the scale in favor of a healthy or unhealthy direction, and one essential element to…

Person sitting and talking to a colleagues at a table

The end of the year often brings with it an increased sense of urgency, which can impact overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, stress is not limited to the fourth quarter. A study by Deloitte revealed that 77% of employees have experienced burnout at their current job, with more than half citing more than one occurrence.…

Three coworkers seated at a small table smiling and looking at papers

The topic of employee burnout is almost always connected with tips on self-care and personal boundary setting. These tactics are extremely important to implement, and they should not be the only considerations when it comes to protecting a healthy work-life balance. There is no amount of self-care that will fix a situation where a person…

Colleagues having a conversation

Quiet quitting has popped into headlines across the globe over the past several weeks. As the phenomenon continues to gain steam, it’s important to remember that this practice has likely been present for years. After all, overworking, burnout and disengagement are not new challenges in the workplace, and individuals have long had to cope with…

students working together at a table with laptops

When a student knows that they can be their brilliant self and feel welcomed, appreciated and supported, it helps them shine at school (and in other parts of their lives). Without the worries creeping in about what others might think about them, kids can show up authentically and have room to make mistakes and share…

Two employees walking and talking in an office

While the Great Resignation may be showing signs of slowing down, the revolution it inspired in employee-employer relationships isn’t going away. Leaders who want to engage and retain their staff will need to continue to build workplace cultures where people are seen, valued and prioritized. The Emergenetics® eBook Design an Employee-Centric Workplace describes tactics that…
