Colleagues sitting and talking at work

As the workplace experience evolves, one trend that seems well-positioned to hold steady is the drive to engage in meaningful work. 70% of employees report that their sense of purpose is largely defined by their job. Those that find significance in their daily tasks and projects tend to report better personal and business outcomes, such…

Employees writing on sticky notes on window at development session

Workplace learning is constantly evolving. As organizations strive to innovate and stay ahead of their competitors, it is vital that leaders reinvest in their people to ensure they have the skillsets to flourish in the future of work. And those reinvestments cannot be a one-time experience. A report from Gartner demonstrated that more than 30…

Group of colleagues in a meeting

I would venture to guess that every person in the working world has asked themselves our headline question at least once in their lives, and likely more than that. You may also have replaced the word email with chat message, recorded video, text alert or any other medium outside of a live, face-to-face experience. Meetings…

Colleagues seated around a table talking and working

Employees want to work for organizations that offer opportunities to grow their talents, and by providing that perk, companies reap the rewards. In fact, 93% of employees said that well-planned training programs positively affect their level of engagement and 76% of Gen Z believe learning is essential to a successful career. When your team members…

Employee looking at post it notes on an office wall

Finding the right partner(s) to support people development can sometimes feel like trying to choose between a plethora of hiking trails on a mountain. Each path can lead to an inspiring destination, and there is rarely enough time to pursue every route in one visit. To move in a positive direction, Learning & Development (L&D)…

Colleagues from different generations talking

As workforce demographics continue to shift, generational diversity is a common topic of conversation and in some cases a cause of trepidation. I’ve read several articles recently geared toward managers who are trying to understand employees who are older or younger than them, team leaders who are attempting to overcome preconceived notions and Human Resources…

Man leading a group of people

2023 is shaping up to be a dynamic year for Learning & Development (L&D) professionals! As organizations strive to engage and retain top talent, traverse economic uncertainty and address evolving employee expectations, L&D teams will play an increasingly vital role in helping businesses and their staffs thrive. To optimize programming this year, consider how these…

Person sitting and talking to a colleagues at a table

The end of the year often brings with it an increased sense of urgency, which can impact overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, stress is not limited to the fourth quarter. A study by Deloitte revealed that 77% of employees have experienced burnout at their current job, with more than half citing more than one occurrence.…

The Brilliance Series: Flexibility

The Brilliance Series invites you to take a closer look at each of the seven Emergenetics® Attributes. Whether you are craving more information about your own Profile or interested in better understanding the preferences of others, the series will offer insights to shine a light on the gifts of each Attribute. This week, we’re exploring…
