Woman sitting at desk looking and smiling at a laptop and taking notes

I’ve had the opportunity to lead a lot of Emergenetics® workshops in my time with the organization, and it’s always so motivating to see the enthusiasm of our attendees. When people leave our experiences, I get so many questions about how they can use their new insights about themselves and one another to improve their…

Two people at work talking in front of a laptop

When professionals have an opportunity to be coached, they aren’t the only ones who benefit. Their coworkers and teammates have a lot to gain as well. Just think about the impact that can come from a supervisor who is self-aware, appreciative of different perspectives, committed to using their gifts and cognizant of their blind spots…

Woman standing and talking to seated colleagues

Adopting a growth mindset can inspire individuals and businesses. From a personal standpoint, building new skills helps people stay sharp and may even enhance mental wellbeing. Developing relevant capabilities also improves job prospects in the long-term. For organizations, it’s essential that employees embrace growth because the majority of companies are facing significant gaps in the…

3 people standing in an office with coffee cups talking

The other week, a few of my colleagues went to a large networking event for the first time in the past two years. While many of them were excited, there was also a bit of hesitation as they thought about who they were going to meet, what they were going to say and how they…

Woman speaking with colleagues

We’ve all received a head-scratching message before. Maybe an email seemed incomplete, which made next steps confusing. Perhaps the intent of a communication was difficult to grasp. And it’s feasible that a message was so far out of left field and lacked the context required to understand the point. Those sorts of interactions are challenging…

Colleagues standing around a table working and smiling

Most leaders know that employee engagement is a vital ingredient to amplifying productivity and increasing retention. What they may not realize is that a sense of belonging is one of the strongest drivers of engagement. Intuitively, people likely understand why acceptance and inclusion are so important. When individuals feel aligned to their work and embraced…

person looking and smiling at her laptop screen

Hybrid workplaces offer a mix of benefits and possible drawbacks. While most employees appreciate the flexibility to work remotely at times, concerns remain around potential inequities between in-office and remote staff. These differences often result from proximity bias, which is a largely unconscious tendency to give preferential treatment to individuals in our immediate vicinity. Partiality…

Three coworkers walking and talking

When it comes to bolstering the success of your employees, it’s so important to focus on wellness. If staff members don’t take care of themselves, the negative impacts reach far beyond just that person. It can also affect your business through productivity losses, absenteeism and turnover. While individuals probably recognize the importance of looking after…
