Happy Staff Presentation

Leaders of thriving companies recognize that climate is fundamental to performance. Healthy, positive environments are correlated with an increased return to shareholders as well as greater agility in times of change. They also contribute to better people outcomes like improved engagement and well-being.   In comparison, toxic workplaces are costly. One estimate from MIT Sloan revealed…

A group of coworkers brainstorming together.

Brainstorms conjure up a wide range of pictures and feelings. In my experience, people who participate are often hoping that someone will have a sudden stroke of inspiration, similar to the ancient story of Archimedes shouting “Eureka!” (I’ve found it) after unexpectedly discovering the solution to detecting fake gold. Ideation sessions rarely pan out that…

The Brilliance Series: Divergent

The Brilliance Series invites you to take a closer look at the Emergenetics® Attributes. Whether you are craving more information about your own Profile or are interested in better understanding the preferences of others, the series will offer insights to shine a light on the genius of each Attribute. Divergent Thinking Overview I’m energized to…

Learning and Development team working together

The Learning & Development (L&D) function is on the rise in many organizations. Executives and leaders are increasingly recognizing the value of training in driving productivity, closing skills gaps and improving employee retention. Still, only 50% of L&D professionals report that they are working closely with executive leadership. While this statistic is trending upward from…

Colleagues sitting around a conference table talking

Team building is one of the core components of high performance. When employees invest time in getting to know each other and improving how they communicate and collaborate, they can see impressive results like a 10X increase in work ethic as well as a 20% – 25% increase in productivity. While the value of developing…

Woman writing on a white board in a conference room

Visualize for a moment what a career path looks like. Does the picture in your mind reflect a neat, tidy directional arrow? Is it a set of well-planned steps? Or is it more of a winding road with twists and turns? While professional growth has long been considered to follow a linear or step-by-step model,…

Colleagues sitting around a conference table talking

I invite our Emergenetics® Associates to think back to the last few moments of your most recent Meeting of the Minds (MOTM) workshop. After the scented markers have been capped or the laughter has subsided following the Krazy Kommercials activity, we typically hear dazzling reflections as participants share their realizations and takeaways. It’s important to…

Woman sitting at a desk smiling at her laptop and holding a mug

I recently read Qualtric’s Employee Experience Trends report, examining some of the defining elements that promote retention and encourage staff to feel connected to their organizations. One of the four driving factors that they identified this year was the push to reclaim work-life balance. While this trend is not exactly new, the report released some…

Employees smiling at each other on a video call

Flexible work arrangements have generated many benefits to employees and companies from increased productivity to decreased turnover. While many staff members are grateful for and even expect remote and hybrid options, that’s not to say these environments are free of any challenges, especially when it comes to working relationships. One survey found that 73% of…
