Teacher smiling and pointing to a student's notebook

Most adults who are working with kids would agree that one of their primary goals is to help youth develop the capacities and tools they need to be successful and happy as they grow. There are threads of this sentiment in most mission statements of schools and districts, youth organizations and enrichment centers as well…

The Brilliance Series: Analytical

The Brilliance Series invites you to take a closer look at each of the seven Emergenetics® Attributes. Whether you are craving more information about your own Profile or interested in better understanding the preferences of others, these blogs will offer insights to shine a light on the gifts of each Attribute. This week, we’re exploring…

four people sitting around a table talking

How would you rate your comfort level with having difficult conversations? For school leaders, navigating challenging dialogues and discussions are part of your everyday work. Whether within the context of educational practices, performance reviews, student achievement or something else, it is simply part of the job. However, when it comes to conversations about diversity and…
